5 things to do when you start training for a marathon
When you decide you are running a marathon there are a few things you should do before you start to get ready for training. Here are 5 things you should consider before your start your marathon training: 1. Find out your best long run shoe. It’s best to get that part out of the way because you may…
6 ways to taper before a race
As we train for races runners tend to decrease distance and lesson workouts a week or a few weeks before race day. This is part of the taper down process. Try to figure out the best taper down process for your needs and one that goes with your training. Here are some ways to taper before a…
Benefits of Diversifying your Workout
Sometimes we are stuck following the same routing when we exercise. We may have a route that we run and we just run the same route every time we run or we may have a series that we do each time we go to the gym and its that same one with the same repetitions each…
3 benefits from training on the track
I never thought track would help me to improve my time when training for a race. I would run on streets, in parks and some trails but never on the track. I have learned that the track is a great way to meet some of your running goals. These workouts incorporate warm up exercises and sprints with short…
4 reasons why we run hills
One of the workouts I used to dread was hill repeats or hill sprints. Any run that required running up and down hills would send chills down my spine. I learned that the more I ran hills the more I reduced my fear of hills. It also helps when running races where the course has a lot of…
3 reasons why a rest day is important while training
Being active is great for your body and soul but we need to incorporate rest when we train. It’s part of a healthy training week. It won’t make you lose momentum if you rest. It helps you to recover, rebuild and then repair. Here are some benefits of rest: 1. Less fatigue – your muscles…
Why it’s important for runners to set goals
Whether you are a beginner or a professional runner setting goals is very important. Goals help to motivate you, they give positive reinforcement for what you do and they help you set a purpose. It’s ok to run without those three benefits of goals but it’s a better experience if you set them. This can also benefit you…
What to do with your hair before and after a workout
Big hair don’t care! That’s the first step to hair care while working out – don’t put too much emphasis on your hair, it’s just hair. As long as you take steps to take care of it before and after workouts it will be fine. I don’t let my hair or hairstyles get in the…
5 reasons strength training can help runners
Incorporating strength training to my running workout plan has really benefitted me. Here are my 5 reasons for adding strength training to my training plan. 1. Power/strength- muscles give you power. Building some muscles in the right places will help me to be stronger and my body will be able to endure and push more…
4 Tips that I Learned while Recovering from a Foot Injury
Sometimes small injuries can have a big effect on our workouts. We train and we get injured. Most times when we get injured we don’t see it coming. It makes us evaluate ourselves. Was it my form, shoes, was I tight, didn’t stretch, not hydrated… It could be a number of things and it’s good…