My experience: Berlin Marathon
There are people who sometimes ask me how I can run a long race, especially a marathon. I reflect on how it feels to finish a race and how I felt after finishing the Berlin Marathon. I want to start with how I ended the Berlin marathon on September 25, 2016. As I crossed the…
5 Tips to Split a Long Run
I have been training for the Berlin marathon and some time ago while on a long run I got sick before the run was complete. I actually started feeling sick early in the run. It was a 20-mile run and 2 miles in I wasn’t feeling well. I ran about 5.5 miles and I couldn’t…
Marathon Mojis are Here!
Share my journey of completing my goal of finishing the New York City Marathon.
The secret workout
We rode the bus to our track workout at Icahn Stadium. Our coach, Julia Lucas, was a professional runner who was once one of the fastest 5k runners in the US. She takes what she has gained over her years and trains us to be the most elite version of ourselves. On Tuesdays, she usually…
How far do you have to run to get to your race? 5 tips to help you decide which training is right for you.
Most race training schedules will have you running up to about 75% of the mileage for the race that you are training for. So you may be training for a marathon on a 16 or 18 week schedule and your last long run the week before the race or two weeks before would be at about…
6 tips for being a super race spectator
It was a nice day to run 26.2 miles… It was a nice day to cheer runners…running 26.2 miles. I went out to cheer for the NYC Marathon runners. Some runners were friends, some co-workers, some whom I run and train with weekly. As I prepared for being a spectator at the NYC Marathon race, I thought…
I am so happy to be a finisher! Finishing half marathons and full marathons gives me one of the biggest highs I’ve ever experienced. Today I finished the Chicago marathon and I felt emotional before the race and shed some tears of happy emotion at the end. This wasn’t my best race but I don’t…
The best running accessory you can’t buy
What’s your best running accessory? My best accessories are my running buddies. Aside from having a GPS watch, cool and comfy kicks, compression socks, a lucky cap and some sort of energy food I think my run buddies are way better than any accessory that I can buy. When training for a marathon some people give up…
Ever had a bad workout?
Some days are better than others. Sometimes I run miles around the track and it’s a piece of cake sometimes its hard to get a quarter in. I ran the track and didn’t feel well. I wondered may be it was because I missed the bus to the track and had to take two trains and a cab…
What to do when it’s too hot to run outside
Sometimes it’s too hot to run outside so I get on a treadmill. Very hot and humid days can be tough because when training for a race we sometimes follow running schedules that require us to do certain workouts, distances and paces. When you workout your body temperature rises and when working out outside on a…